Acento Angels
Revenue-Backed Non-Fungible Token
Last updated
Revenue-Backed Non-Fungible Token
Last updated
Acento Capital is proud to introduce the world's first rb-NFT on Solana. Acento Angels blends the world of NFTs with revenue-sharing/RWA (Real-World Assets) principles, offering a unique yield-generating investment opportunity for token holders.
When you purchase an Acento Angel, you're not just acquiring a worthless piece of digital art or a collectible. You're purchasing a piece of the future revenue generated by Acento Capital. Token holder benefits from a percentage of the revenue, which is distributed according to how many tokens each wallet holds.
See Terms & Conditions for more details.
The rb-NFT model merges the popularity of NFTs with the tangible financial benefits of revenue-sharing, offering a new way for individuals to invest in RWAs. Unlike traditional NFTs, which lack inherent value, Acento Angels is tied directly to the ongoing revenue generated by Acento Capital’s operations, making them a more valuable and purposeful investment.
As Acento Capital continues to lead innovation in this space, we believe the rb-NFT model will redefine the future of investing, providing a more accessible, transparent, and rewarding way for investors to participate in the next generation of digital assets.